Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) complaints
Whenever you have a complaint of any nature (complaint, fraud, or fault) relating to the services rendered by the EEDC, you can simply visit the company’s website and lodge your complaint (s). Just fill the fields as required.
The Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) is committed to a good work culture of learning and performance. Your issues will be resolved as soon as possible.
Would you like to tell the power company about ways to improve its service delivery? Simply contact them today.
To lodge complaints, visit the Eko Electricity Distribution Company’s customer service page here: www.ekedp.com/page/customer-srvc.
Register your compliments, requests, or complaints. They will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) prepaid meter form
If you are ready to secure a prepaid meter from EEDC, you will need to get a form.
The Meter Asset Provider (MAP) was issued by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory.
The form is free. You can call 09087493044 for more inquiries about the prepaid meter, the type you will need, and prices.
Would you like to get the prepaid meter (See how you can reset your prepaid meter), now? Get the PDF format online, print it out, and fill it. Use this link to download the EEDC Prepaid Meter Form.
To order your meter from the Eko Electricity Distribution Company, get more details here: Order EEDC Meter.
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) salary
Workers in the EEDC are quite a well rewarded for their services. The average salary here is around N166,000.
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) recruitment 2020
Would you like to work at the Eko Electricity Distribution Company? There are several career opportunities for graduates at the power company.
Visit www.ekedp.com/vacancy for more details about available vacancies. Good luck!
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) online payment
Thanks to technology, you don’t need to stress yourself anymore to pay for your utility bills.
The EEDC uses some of the best technology processes to offer its services. You can now make payments online. There are different online payment options to choose from.
To make online payments for any of the services rendered by the Eko Electricity Distribution Company, please visit this page: www.ekedp.com/payment/option.
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) tariff
There are different services and tariffs issued by the EEDC. You can always check here for some latest news relating to tariffs: EEDC Tariff Updates.
There was a recent tariff from the Eko Electricity Distribution Company on the 1st of September, 2020. The new tariff is known as the Service Reflective Tariff.
Please call 0908 749 3044 for more details.
You can also check other residential tariffs here: EEDC TARIFFS.
Eko electricity distribution company management(EEDC) team
The team at the EEDC has been responsible for the great services it renders the public.
Mr. Charles Momoh is currently the Chairman of the Eko Electricity Distribution Company. He is also the MD of Atlantic Meridian LTD (a company that offers services relating to administration, engineering, security, procurement, and support to both the downstream and upstream sectors of the petroleum industry in Nigeria. He has over 20 years of practical experience in the oil and gas industry. Mr. Charles Momoh has knowledge of international contracts and negotiations. He is a seasoned oil and gas administrator.
One of the Directors of the Eko Electricity Distribution Company is Mr. Tunji Olowolafe. Tunji is also a major investor as well as a leader in the Public-Private Partnership, dealing with infrastructure projects. He is a Chairman there.
Dere Otubu is also a Director at the EEDC. Dere also Chairman different companies such as the SIC Property and Investment Company LTD, Senforce Insurance, Stack Insurance, and Staco Prime Capital Ltd.
George Etomi is also among the Directors at EEDC. George is a well-known Lawyer who is based in Lagos State, Nigeria. He is the founder of the law firm “George Etomi & Partners”.
Another Director at the Eko Electricity Distribution Company is Ernest Oji. He is also the MD of Beta Consortium Ltd.
The Director-General (Bureau of Public Enterprises) of the EEDC is Alex Okoh. Mr. Alex has over 30 years of experience in the Banking industry, as well as in management consultancy.
The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer is Mr. Adeoye Fadeyibi. He has years of experience in the consummate energy sector.
Eko electricity distribution company(EEDC) phone number and email
To get in touch with the Eko Electricity Distribution Company, there are several channels you can use.
Their Call Center number is 0708 065 5555. Call this line for complaints or requests.
Email Address: customercare@ekedp.com.
Physical Address: 24/25, Marina, Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Daniel is a Digital Marketer and a Copywriter.
He is a member of the Association of Business Executives (UK).
On most days, he enjoys writing, soccer, and spending time with Nature.