Nigerian journal of clinical practice impact factor
The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice’s impact factor (IF) for 2018 was computed in 2019. For the year 2018, the impact factor was 0.48. Compared to the previous, it’s a falling trend.
The Impact Factor of NJCP is also referred to as the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), which is used to measure the yearly average number of citations with the recent articles published.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice publication fees
The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice (NJCP) is a peer-reviewed international journal that is released monthly. The NJCP is published by the Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria. You can get the full text of the journal online here: www.njcponline.com.
There is free access (open access) of content for the NJCP journal. Authors are permitted to have a self-archive of the accepted versions of their works on the OAI-compliant institution or subject-based repository.
The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice charges a token for submission, processing, and publication of manuscript – this includes the color reproduction of pictures.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice online submission
Those who want to submit their manuscripts to NJCP can submit them online. Your manuscripts should be submitted online via http://www.journalonweb.com/njcp.
If you are using the website for the first time, you must first do your registration right there. This is compulsory. And it is free.
As a registered author, you can track your works whenever you log into the website, after using your username and password. Also, as an author, you don’t have to pay for submission, processing, or the publication of your articles.
The authors are to comply with the rules (on the instructions to the author page). If instructions are not followed, works will be returned fr technical correction. After this, there is editorial and peer-review.
Below is the general format your manuscripts should be submitted (it should be in two different files):
1. The title page, first-page file, and the cover letter.
2. Blinded article file. Make sure that your manuscript does not have your name as the author, or the name of any institution used for your study.
The running title or page headers may include the title, but not your name as the author. Ensure that your manuscript complies with the policy of the journal. If you don’t comply with the policy, your work may be returned. Also, make sure that the main text of your article, starting from the abstract to the references must be in this file. Never zip any of your files; you may use RTF/doc files.
Also, you are not allowed to use images in the file. The size of your file should not be more than 1024 kb.
3. Images. You are to submit images with quality color. The size of any of your images should not be more than 4 MB. You can also adjust the size of the image according to its height and width. 5 by 6 inches or 1,800 by 1,200 is very perfect. The format to submit your images should be in JPEG files. Again, don’t zip the file.
4. The contributors’/copyright transfer forms are to be submitted. The original form must be submitted, and it must have signatures of contributors – with 2 weeks of submission. You can submit it via fax, courier, or email. If you want to send it by email, make sure that each of the images is high-resolution of up to 5 MB. You can send them to image@medknow.com
If you want to send the hard copies of the contributors’ form or copyright transfer form, you can send it via the journal’s address. To make it faster, submit them online via the Author’s area at www.journalonweb.com/njcp.
Email address: editor@njcponline.com.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice SCIMAGO
As of today, the overall rank of the Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice (NJCP) is 15,343.
A study by the SCIMAGO Journal Rank (SJR) showed that NJCP’s rank is 0.255. The SJR is an indicator used for measuring the scientific influence among journals. It also measures the importance of journals according to where those citations come from.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice is “Niger. J. Clin. Pract.”.
This abbreviation was recommended in order to be used for indexing, referencing, abstracting purposes. It was also used in order to meet all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating scientific journals’ names.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice Acceptance rate
The current acceptance rate of the Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice is 21%> the is the 2020 acceptance rate of the scientific journal.
Daniel is a Digital Marketer and a Copywriter.
He is a member of the Association of Business Executives (UK).
On most days, he enjoys writing, soccer, and spending time with Nature.