CBT JAMB Biology 2017 by Abbey /50 128 Created on February 15, 2020 By bolaCBT JAMB Biology 2017 1 / 501 The matured sex cell which takes part in sexualreproduction is referred to as gamete fetus embryo zygote 2 / 502 The biome that is characterized with largeherbivores, few and scattered fire resistant trees is savanna tropical rain forest montane forest desert 3 / 503.Red blood cells are also known as _________? erythrocytes thrombocytes phagocytes leucocytes 4 / 504.The joint between the femur and tibia is known as________? hinge joint ball-and-socket joint pivot joint gliding joint 5 / 505.What is the primary function of cofactors? To aid in enzyme function To synthesize enzymes To inhibit enzymes To break down old enzymes 6 / 506.Use the diagram below to answer the question thatfollow:The diagram represents a hygrometer Wind vane Anemometer rain gauge 7 / 507 Coloration of the eye is ______ variation physiological morphological adaptive recessive 8 / 508 Which of the following choices correctlydescribes the composition of the cell membrane? contains only lipids contains lipids and protein contains lipids and cytosol contains only proteins 9 / 509.The feeding relationship among a set of membersof a community is referred to as _______? a food web pyramid of energy a food chain pyramid of member 10 / 5010 Nitrogen is released into the atmosphere when________ plants absorbs mineral salt sugar is completely broken down through plant uptake when lightning strike 11 / 5011 Size, colour and fingerprints are examples of______ physiological variation discontinuous variation morphological variation adaptive variation 12 / 5012 The level of organism in spirogyra and volvox is organ system cell Tissue 13 / 5013 Which of the following scenarios is an example ofcohesion? Water molecules stick to the surface of a mirror. Water sticks to the walls of blood vessels. Water molecules stay on the tip of a pine needle because the water is attracted to the surface of the needle. Water molecules stick to one another and form a bead 14 / 5014 The common thing in plant and animal cell is chloroplast cell wall nucleus centrioles 15 / 5015 The modification in structure, physiology andbehaviour of plant and animal is called ______ adaption evolution variation succession 16 / 5016.Use the diagram to answer the question that followsThe instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure relative humidity direction of wind spread of wind 17 / 5017. A bacteria that is spherically shaped is called? diplobacillus coccus bacillus vibrio 18 / 5018 The flame cells are used for excretion in Fluke Nematode Bacteria Volvox 19 / 5019 Food chain refers to the feeding relationshipsbetween animals in a ______? Family phylum community group 20 / 5020 The host of Taenia Solium is _________ cow pig sheep dog 21 / 5021.Use the diagram to answer the question that follows.The dentition is found in rat dog sheep man 22 / 5022 When an ovary is placed on the receptacle abovethe other floral parts it is referred to as half inferior ovary superior ovary inferior ovary half superior ovary 23 / 5023 The type of nutrition exhibited when organismlives on the body surface or inside the body ofanother type of organism is Holozoic parasitic saprohytic carnivores 24 / 5024 An example of organism which exists as a colonyis Volvox paramecium euglena chlamydomonas 25 / 5025 The following are example of morphologicalvariation except size ability to taste PTC color fingerprint 26 / 5026 Ability to taste PTC in some individuals is acharacter that is acquired heritable sex-linked morphological 27 / 5027 Agglutination is the _______ of the ________ coagulation, white bloodcell coagulation, water white blood cells, red blood cell coagulation, red blood cell 28 / 5028 What organelle is the site of photosynthesis inplants? Chloroplasts Ribosomes Cytoplasm Mitochondria 29 / 5029 Which of the following is a characteristics of abacteria except _______? they can be seen under microscope they range from 0.5 µ m in diameter They are grouped accordingly to their cell shape they so not cause disease 30 / 5030 The level of organization of Amoeba and Euglenacell is________? organ system cell tissue 31 / 5031 The appendicular skeleton comprises of pectoral and pelvic girdles forelimbs, skull and pectoral girdle lungs and ribs skull and the vertebral column 32 / 5032 The protista that is a producer is an aquatic foodchain is trypanosome paramecium chamydomonas amoeba 33 / 5033 Which scenario would cause a covalent bond toform? Two atoms share electrons so they can fill their outer shells The constant motion of electrons and the creation of charge imbalances bonds two molecules together A hydrogen atom with a slight positive charge is attracted to a negative charge of another molecule or atom One atom loses one or more electrons and the other atom gains one or more electrons 34 / 5034 The difference in structure, morphological andbehavior of plant and animal is called adaptation evolution variation succession 35 / 5035.Use the diagram to answer the question that followsThe structure is adapted for omnivores herbivores canivores omnivores and canivore 36 / 5036 The product after the union of the male andfemale gamete in animals is called sperm egg embryo zygote 37 / 5037 The possession of scales, laying of eggs withshells and bony structure of the head arecharacteristics shared by birds and reptiles fishes and birds reptiles and fishes birds and molluscs 38 / 5038 The lungs of the lung fish is an adaptation forrespiration _______? to complement gills while in water to complement gills while on land while on land while in water 39 / 5039 Which of the following is an example of activetransport? Oxygen exchanging between red blood cells and liver cells Carbon dioxide exchanging between muscle cells and red blood cells Water moving out of the small intestine Sodium being reabsorbed in the kidney 40 / 5040 The key event in the transition of the amphibiansfrom water to land is the ________ replacement of the gills with lungs possession of webbed limbs limbs possession of tympanic membrane 41 / 5041 Erythrocytes are known as ________ white blood cell red blood cells phagocytes leucocytes 42 / 5042 Gregor Mendel is regarded as the father of ______ variation genetics mycology natural selection 43 / 5043 The most efficient respiratory structure used byfree living protozoan is ________ body surface gills buccal cavity spiracle 44 / 5044 Carbon (iv) oxide is added to the atmospherewhen ________? plants build-up organic compounds plants absorb mineral salts sugars are completely broken down in animals there is thunderstorm 45 / 5045 The host of liver flake are ______? pig and snail pig and sheep sheep and snail pig 46 / 5046.Use the diagram to answer the question that followsThe part labelled 1 is the ________ carpel sepal petal stamen 47 / 5047 Which of the following factors can reduce thepopulation of a community? Immigration edaphic predation mutualism 48 / 5048 In mosses the structure which performs thefunction of water absorption is the _________? root hairs rhizoids capsule hyphae 49 / 5049 How does an enzyme affect the rate of a reaction? It lowers the activation energy of the reaction, increasing the reaction rate. It raises the activation energy of the reaction, decreasing the reaction rate. It lowers the activation energy of the reaction, decreasing the reaction rate. It raises the activation energy of the reaction, increasing the reaction rate. 50 / 5050 Insects that goes through adult stage withoutbecoming pupa are except ________ crickets cockroach grasshopper bees Your score isThe average score is 34% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz No related posts. Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail