CBT Accounts JAMB 2016 by Abbey /45 4 Created on March 12, 2020 By bolaAccountCBT Accounts JAMB 2016 1 / 45 Category: Account1 Balance as per cashbook 2, 970Bank Charges 220Unpresented cheques 3, 950Uncredited cheques 4, 178Direct debit by bank 1, 0000Determine the balance as per bank statement. # 1,978 # 1962 # 1,522 # 2,522 2 / 45 Category: Account2 The records of Superstores shows a loan of#14,000 from Bala,creditor #8,000 and assets#190,500. What is the firm’s capital? #184, 000 #196,500 #212,000 #168,500 3 / 45 Category: Account3 The major advantage of the journal proper is thatit helps in the preparation of the balance sheet prevents fraud and theft of item of the business serves as a book of instruction to the bookkeeper help the banking industry to be efficient 4 / 45 Category: Account4 Departments K YOpening 2,500 800Purchases 120,000 100,000Sales 180,000 200,000Salary 8,000 30,000Closing stock 3,000 1,500Rate expenses of 1,500 are apportioned in the ratio1:2The gross profit for K is # 60,700 #23,500 #60,500 #82,500 5 / 45 Category: Account5 One of the objectives of accounting is that it canbe used for business decision making due process in business motivating employees determining the work force 6 / 45 Category: Account6 The ratio that gives the indication of the efficiencyof a firm’s sales with respect to cost of goods sold is a return on capital employed gross profit margin net profit margin return on equity 7 / 45 Category: Account7 The instrument used in analysis and interpretationof financial statement is the accounting ratios income and expenditure extract balance sheet extract found accounting 8 / 45 Category: Account8 An item in the balance sheet of a limited liabilitycompany is accrued expenses lighting and heating salaries and wages general expenses 9 / 45 Category: Account9 The documents that provide instant information tofirms on their tranactions with banks are bank statement and debit note cheque book and cashbook cheque stub and deposit slip payslip and credit invoice 10 / 45 Category: Account10 Which of the following is the capital reserve of acompany? Accumulated depreciation Retained profit Share premium Loss on forfeited shares 11 / 45 Category: Account11 The effect of overstating revenue expenditure inthe profit and loss account is that the opening stock will be increased net profit will be understand net profit will be overstead opening stock will be decreased 12 / 45 Category: Account12 Which of the following condition would attractcredit and debit notes to be used? When goods are received from supplier When a trial balance is extracted When a buyer is under or over charged When goods are sold to a buyer 13 / 45 Category: Account13 Given: #Drawings 3,500Net loss 2,500Capital 1.1,2007 35,000Additional capital 10,000The adjusted capital as at 31 : 12 : 2007 is #45,000 #39, 000 #35,000 #46,000 14 / 45 Category: Account14 A receipt is an evidence of payments stocking delivery discounts 15 / 45 Category: Account15 Turaki Youth Club Income and Expenditure forthe year ended 31/12/04# #Bal.b/d 390 Expenses on cleaning 300Sales of – New tool 510trickets 4,000 Repairs 400Donations 3,000 Electricity 350Subscription 6,500What is the total income for the period? #10,500 #13,500 #13,890 #9,500 16 / 45 Category: Account16 An organization which has records of onlypersonal accounts is said to be operating on the basisof single entry real accounts nominal accounts double entry 17 / 45 Category: Account17 A proprietor started business with #13,000. Assetsand liabilities at the end of the year; fixed assets#8,800, stock #, 600, debtors #1,000, cash #3, 000and creditors #1,000. Determine the profit for theyear? #2,400 #3,000 #9,800 #1,400 18 / 45 Category: Account18 Badge Plc issued 450,000 ordeinary shares of 50keach at #1.50 per shareApplication and allotment 45k1st call 50k2nd call 55kDetermine the amount received on final call. #225,000 #236,250 #247,500 #202,500 19 / 45 Category: Account19 When goods are sent to the branch at cost plusmark-up, it means that the branch should sell at a price above or below the stipulated price any price but not below the transfer price cost price a price that is equal to the mark-up 20 / 45 Category: Account20 The income and expenditure account differs fromreceipts and payments account because it accounts for notional charges records transactions that relate to the period on cash basis records transactions that relate to the period on accrual basis accounts for balance of cash at bank 21 / 45 Category: Account21 The major sources of revenue for the state andlocal governments is value added tax statutory allocation taxes and levies recurrent revenue 22 / 45 Category: AccountWhich of the following is correct about the imprestsystem?i. The amount of the imprest is the same fromone organization to another.ii. At the end of a fixed period, the petty cashierreceived a fixed sum of money.iii. At the end of a period, the petty cashier isreimbursed with the amount spent in that period.iv. The system is a method by which a measure ofcontrol is kept on petty cash expenses. II and IV I, III and IV I, II and III III and IV 23 / 45 Category: Account23 When the fixed capital method is used, thepartners’ share of profits and remunerations arecredited to the current account profit and loss account profit and loss appropriation account capital account 24 / 45 Category: Account24 A discount that is allowed to encourage a debtorto pay off his debt within a period is the annual discount trade discount periodic discount cash discount 25 / 45 Category: Account25 The costs of acquiring fixed assets and bringingthem into the firm is a general expenses recurrent expenditure revenue expenditure capital expenditure 26 / 45 Category: Account26 Impersonal account is subdivided into real and nominal accounts nominal and personal accounts real and current accounts personal and real accounts 27 / 45 Category: Account27 Opening balance of Dikscompany was #12,202,closing balance #15,300, total cash received duringthe period #40,000. What was the amount of cash paidduring the same period? #36,902 #27,502 #12,498 #43,098 28 / 45 Category: Account28 The total cash and cheques received fromcustomers in a control account is derived from the income and expenditure account cashbook purchases day book sales journal 29 / 45 Category: Account29 Which of the foloowing is a credit item increditors ledger control account? Returns outwards Discount Received Bad debts Purchases 30 / 45 Category: Account30 The trader is capital in a single entry system isascertained by preparing gross profit statement of affairs suspense account appropriation account 31 / 45 Category: Account31I. Members subscriptionII. Fines from membersIII. DonationIV. Loan from bankFrom the informaation above, sources of income fora Not-for-profit-making organization include I,III,IV I,II,III I,II,IV I and IV 32 / 45 Category: Account32 Clifford pays rent of #200 per month for premisesHe paid #2,800 within the year. Computer theprepayment. #300 #400 #600 #200 33 / 45 Category: Account33 Purchases can be ascertained through thepreparation of a stock account sales account total debtors control account total creditors control account 34 / 45 Category: Account34 When stock is withdrawn for personal use, theaccounting entries is to debit stock account credit drawings drawing account, credit stock account personal account credit cash account cash account, credit personal account 35 / 45 Category: Account35 Sundry debtors in the balance sheet of OnojaBakery and Sons totaled #800,000. A provision forbad and doubtful debts.Find the amount for sundry debtors after provision. #744,800 #760,000 #784,000 #744,000 36 / 45 Category: Account36 Which of the following is accounted for inreceipts and payments account? Accrued expenses on annual dances Subscriptions due but not yet received interest on bank deposit Depreciation of the club house 37 / 45 Category: Account37 When the purchase consideration is lower than thenet asset, the buyer has gained the advantage of capital reserve revenue reserve net income net loss 38 / 45 Category: Account38 An increase in government expenditure within ayear is taken care of by means of virement financial regulations supplementary estimate warrant 39 / 45 Category: Account39 A business organization prepares departmentalaccount in order to ascertain the contribution of each department to the organization ascertain interdepartmental transfer build other branches know the number of departments in the organization 40 / 45 Category: Account40 The objective of departmental account is to ascertain the amount of profits or losses for the enterprise ascertain the amount of profits or losses for each department ascertain the cost of running the organization offset the loss of each department 41 / 45 Category: Account41 Which of the following expenses relate to theprofit and loss account of a manufacturing firm? Administrative overhead Direct labour Direct materials Work-in-progress 42 / 45 Category: Account42 The difference between book keeping andaccounting is that while book keeping interprets data, accounting records it book keeping is regarded as the language of the business, accounting ascertians its strength and weakness book keeping records data, accounting interprets it book keeping summarizes information, accounting communication it 43 / 45 Category: Account43 Alaka who owed Saka N15,000, settled his debtafter deducting cash discount of 10%. To record thediscount in the book of Saka, debit Saka's account and credit discount received account Alaka's account and credit discount received account Discount received account and credit Alaka's account Discount allowed account and credit Alaka's account 44 / 45 Category: Account44. Use the information below to answer the questionthat follows,A machine bought for N35,000 was estimated tohave a life span of 5years with a scrap value ofN9,000. If the scrap value is now N15,000. What willbe the yearly depreciation using the straight linemethod? N11,000 N7,000 N4,000 N24,000 45 / 45 Category: Account45. Use the information below to answer the questionthat follows,A machine bought for N35,000 was estimated tohave a life span of 5years with a scrap value ofN9,000. The yearly depreciation using the straightline method would be? N5,200 N6,500 N8,800 N4,400 Your score isThe average score is 19% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz No related posts. Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail