CBT Account JAMB 2017 by Abbey /49 16 Created on March 10, 2020 By bolaAccountCBT Accounts JAMB 2017 1 / 49 Category: Account1 Which of these accounts is dissolution expenses credited? partners capital account revaluation account partners current account Realization account 2 / 49 Category: Account2 Capital for a profit making organization is generated through Subscription shares donation gift 3 / 49 Category: Account3 The account where the profit are distributed to the partner intheir profit sharing ratio in partnership trading account appropriation account balance sheet profit and loss account 4 / 49 Category: Account4 In manufacturing account, depreciation of office machine ischarged to trading account appropriation account balance street profit and loss account 5 / 49 Category: Account5 Given:I. Cash refundsII. Debit note issuedIII. Dishonored chequeIV. PurchasesThe item on the credit side of purchases ledger control accountincludes I,II and III only I and II only III and IV only I, III and IV only 6 / 49 Category: Account6 You add the following when starting with the balance as percash book when preparing the bank reconciliation statementexcept Unpresented Dividend Uncredited cheque credit transfer 7 / 49 Category: Account7 Which fund is used to meet unforeseen or urgent expenditure General reserve fund Consolidated Reserve Fund contingencies fund special fund 8 / 49 Category: Account8 In the period of rising prices, which method of stockvaluation is most appropriate? Last in First Out weighted average First in First Out Simple average 9 / 49 Category: Account9 Which of these is the subsidiary book for return inwards? Sales day book Sales return journal Purchases day journal Cash book 10 / 49 Category: Account10 A double entry for a transaction that offsets one amountagainst another on both sides of the cashbook is a original entry contra entry prime entry contract entry 11 / 49 Category: Account11 What is the main purpose of transaction file? To record assets and liabilities To update income and expenses to update master files to make organization decision 12 / 49 Category: Account12 Processed data is only useful to user if it is complex quantitative relevant qualitative 13 / 49 Category: Account13 Changes can occur in partnership when:i. partnership is dissolvedii. There is amalgamation of partnershipiii.There is a change in the profit or loss sharing ratioIv. Intangible asset increase I,II and IV I & III I,II and III I, III and IV 14 / 49 Category: Account14 The authority warrant issued prior to the approval of theappropriate bill at the beginning of the year provisional general warrant annual general warrant Reserved expenditure warrant contigencies 15 / 49 Category: Account15 one of the options below is not the source of income for non-profit organization Entrance fees subscription/dues odrinary shares Donations 16 / 49 Category: Account16. Determine the net profit ₦4,000 ₦4,500 ₦5,000 ₦1,400 17 / 49 Category: Account17 Salaries in arrears is treated in the balance sheet as a current asset current liability fixed asset long term liability 18 / 49 Category: Account18. Determine the amount of goodwill ₦110 000 ₦ 80 000 ₦ 90 000 ₦ 30 000 19 / 49 Category: Account19 When starting with the cash book balance in preparing thebank reconciliation statement, the followings are added Unpresented cheque Dividend Uncredited cheque credit transfer 20 / 49 Category: Account20 Which of these is the main source document for recordingcash paid into bank? invoice cheque book credit note pay-in-slip 21 / 49 Category: Account21 Given:I. It records subscription in arrearsII. Payments of liabilities is effectedIII. The account does not show if cash payment is revenue orcapital expenditureIV. It performs the same function as cashbookThe features of receipts and payment account includes I,II and IV II,III and IV III and IV I,II and III 22 / 49 Category: Account22 The movement of goods from head office to a branch istreated in the head office as Sales issue purchases requisition 23 / 49 Category: Account23 The following are the importance of branch account except it enable the organization to determine the branch that is making either profit or loss it allows proper control over the branch by the head office it assist the organization to determine the performance of a branch manager it allows fraud and wastage of resources 24 / 49 Category: Account24 The current growth in the volume of trading and financialdealing in Nigeria is helped by increased financial activities government intervention credit as a factor in business Payment for goods in cash 25 / 49 Category: Account25 One of the options below have the same features as the profitand loss account in non-profit organization Income and expenditure account profit and loss account receipts and payment account Non profit account 26 / 49 Category: Account26 Calculate the discount received in Department B ₦12,000 ₦15,000 ₦16,000 ₦9,000 27 / 49 Category: Account27 An advantage of FIFO method of stock valuation is that it serves-as a control during inflation it is calculated at the end of the year it is progressive in nature its flow of cost is in sequence with the flow of stock. 28 / 49 Category: Account28 Discount allowed is enjoyed by Managers Customers Suppliers Staff of the company 29 / 49 Category: Account29. Determine the discount allowed by Department A ₦5,000 ₦9,375 ₦5,625 ₦8,000 30 / 49 Category: Account30 The accounting entries for goods stolen in branch will be todebit The accounting entries for goods stolen in branch will be to debit branch stock account and credit branch adjustment account branch adjustment account and credit profit and loss account branch adjustment account and credit branch stock account 31 / 49 Category: Account31. The balance as per bank statement is ₦21,901 ₦19,021 ₦21,109 ₦21,091 32 / 49 Category: Account32 The following appears in trading account except sales carriage outward carriage inward opening stock 33 / 49 Category: Account33 Goodwill can be created in the books of a partnership firmwhen the partnership experiences super profit a new member is admitted the business is being expanded the business suffers high loss 34 / 49 Category: Account34. What is the amount of sales of sales for the year? ₦3850 ₦6650 ₦1550 ₦6850 35 / 49 Category: Account35 Given:I. Settlement of debtsII. Cessation of businessIII. Introduction of assetsIV. Disposal of assetsWhich of these constitutes dissolution of partnership? II and IV only I,II and IV only I,II and III only II,III and IV only 36 / 49 Category: Account36 The use of a three column cash book is determined by cash discount trade discount cash transaction Bank transaction 37 / 49 Category: Account37 The discount column on the left-hand side of cashbookrepresents a discount received from a creditor allowed to a debtor received from a debtor allowed to a creditor 38 / 49 Category: Account38 Which of the following is used to service all operations ofgovernment? Consolidated Revenue Fund Consolidated Reserve Fund Special Operational Fund General-Reserve Fund 39 / 49 Category: Account39. *bonus ₦4207 ₦9527 ₦6907 ₦9877 40 / 49 Category: Account40 The tier of government that uses financial memorandum Federal government state government local government municipal government 41 / 49 Category: Account41 What is the effect of transaction when cash is paid into thebank Bank balance decrease and cash balance increase bank balance decrease and cash balance decrease cash balance increase and bank balance increase cash balance decrease and bank balance increase 42 / 49 Category: Account42 The principle of double entry developed from the axioms ofaccounting equation is given as Assets + Liability = Equity Assets + Equity = Liabilities Liabilities + Equity = Asset Liabilities + Equity = Net assets 43 / 49 Category: Account43. Carriage outwards ₦9,000 ₦2,500 ₦3,000 ₦1,500 44 / 49 Category: Account44 The correct expression of accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Equity Net assets = Liabilities + Equity Assets + Liabilities = Equity Assets = Equity – liabilities 45 / 49 Category: Account45 Subscription in advance is treated in the balance sheet as a current asset current liability fixed asset long term liability 46 / 49 Category: Account46 Which of these is a content of a master file? All records relevant to the organisation. Records of assets of the organisation A collection of data items All records relating to employees 47 / 49 Category: Account47 An evidence of payment issued to a government ministry by arevenue collector is treasury receipt receipt voucher payment voucher treasury card 48 / 49 Category: Account48 A part of public company’s profits belonging to theshareholders is public issue bonus right issue dividends 49 / 49 Category: Account49 When expenses are paid on behalf of the venture, theaccounting entries is to debit bank account and credit joint venture account expenses account and credit bank account joint venture account and credit expenses account joint venture account and credit bank account Your score isThe average score is 19% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz No related posts. Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail